The DUI Man

Defending DUI Charges in ALL California Counties

(888) 384-1489

Free Consultation 24/7 With Our DUI Attorney

DUI on Your Record? The DUI Man Can Help You Get a Fresh Start!

Clear Your Record: Get Your California DUI Expunged

A DUI on your criminal record can have a serious impact on your life. It’s not only embarrassing but particularly costly, especially when seeking employment, applying to universities, traveling to foreign countries, and more. For many people, a DUI conviction is a ‘stain’ on their record that they want to go away.

Fortunately, if certain criteria are met, it is possible to have your DUI ‘expunged’ from your criminal record, permanently.

Once expunged, your DUI conviction will be off your record and will no longer be a cause for embarrassment or a hindrance on routine background checks. In addition, you won’t have to disclose the DUI on job applications and employers can’t use the DUI against you in promotion considerations.

The DUI Man & his team will represent you in the California court system to get your DUI expunged from your record. Your guilty or no-contest plea would be withdrawn and changed to not-guilty, and the case is dismissed.

In order to expunge your record you must be off probation. If you are not, you may qualify for an “Early Termination of Probation”, as long as you have competed all terms and conditions. We can help you with this, so give us a call anytime.

The DUI Man

Defending DUI Charges in ALL California Counties

(888) 384-1489

Free Consultation 24/7 With Our DUI Attorney